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Personal Project: C: Reflecting

This guide contains details about the MYP Personal Project, the inquiry process, skills development and research resources.

Criterion C: Reflecting

Maximum: 8

In the personal project, students should be able to:

i. explain the impact of the project on themselves or their learning

ii. evaluate the product based on the success criteria.

Documents to help you draft Criterion C: Reflecting

Evaluating the impact of the project using the ISU Reflection Protocol

A sequence of reflection moving from description to analysis to action.


Learner Profile traits

The Learner Profile includes the values that define the type of learner that IB students aim to be. IB learners are internationally minded individuals who strive to create a better world. The IB Learners are:

Inquirers: Develop a natural curiosity that allows them to become lifelong learners.

Knowledgeable: They explore ideas of importance and dig deep into its meaning creating a balance of their learning.

Thinkers: They apply thinking skills that allow them to tackle complex problems in creative ways.

Communicators: They understand and can articulate information in confident, creative ways, including a second language.

Principled: Students are honest, fair, just and full of integrity. They strive to solve their own problems and to take responsibility for their own actions.

Open-minded: Students understand and embrace other cultures. They recognize and celebrate their own backgrounds and learn tolerance for others.

Caring: Students actively care about others and participate in active service.

Risk-Takers: Students are brave in the face of new challenges. They strive to take on new roles and to defend their own beliefs.

Balanced: Students understand the need to be emotionally, physically and mentally balanced. They strive for this in themselves and others.

Reflective: Students reflect on their own learning. They are able to adjust for weaknesses and strengths.